Good Day Neighbors!
We hope this letter finds you well. From time to time certain situations prompt the Board of Directors (BOD), a volunteer group of neighbors who serve you, to revisit and evaluate the documents which provide administrative guidance on how Shadow Run is governed and exist to protect Shadow Run. There are primarily three sets of important documents which were originally drafted in the 1970’s. They are:
Declaration / Protective Covenants: The declaration is a set of rules, policies, and procedures that are meant to maintain the uniform look of the community and keep the area inviting and attractive. This legal document includes items such as building setbacks, allowable structures, where can you park your vehicles, how many dogs/cats/cows are allowed per household, etc.
Articles of Incorporation: The articles of incorporation were filed with the Florida Department of State to legally create the corporation.
Bylaws: The bylaws consist of procedural rules by which our community operates.
During 2022, the community voted and adopted revised Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. This was a great achievement and two steps in the right direction. The time has come for you, our neighbors, to provide input and refresh the third and final document – The Declaration / Protective Covenants or simply, the “Covenants.”
Since 2020, your BOD has been soliciting feedback, via our website and during BOD meetings, from the community on various aspects of our Covenants. We now need to consolidate that feedback, collect any additional feedback you may have, and use it to revise and update the Covenants.
Revising these documents is not an easy task and requires multiple drafts, revisions, mailings and filings, not to mention expenses. Therefore, we are launching this process now, to obtain meaningful, well-articulated feedback, to clarify and update our Covenants, and ultimately, enhance our community.
What to expect next:
- This Spring and Summer, we will continue to solicit and consolidate feedback on revisions.
- This Fall, we will create a tentative draft which will be used to facilitate more topic specific conversations, schedule a town hall meeting, and then elicit final feedback from you.
- In early 2024, a final draft of the proposed Covenants will be mailed to each resident, along with a ballot/proxy for you to vote and mail in.
Your BOD has embarked on this project because of the great neighbors who live here, how we have come together as a community in the past, and how we can move forward, to improve and maintain our wonderful neighborhood.
Please review the current version of the Covenants posted at:
and provide your feedback at:
Thank you! Your Board of Directors